successful events start here.
mobile tickets &
Customized Swag,
Signage, and More
Let’s make your event a success.
We can help you sell tickets from your own website and guide you in obtaining other products and services that you may need in order to make your event a success.
Whether your event is for a personal celebration, fundraiser for your school or charity, or a business, we’ll take some of the responsibilities off your plate so you can focus on the biggest needs for your events.
Our mission is to provide your guests, customers and patrons with an amazing experience and wonderful memories that they will be talking about for days, weeks and years from now.

Awards Events
Acoustics are key for events when there are a lot of people in one room and the host emcee needs to manage the event within its intended timeline. We can discuss pros and cons of reserved seating and the best time for photographs for both news media and guests.

Charity Galas
There are a lot of considerations for charity events, silent or live auctions, buffet or served meals, entertainment choice, how much to share about your charity before, during and after the event. Tell us more about your event and share the goal for the event both monetary and informative. We can help determine ways to maximize both.

Festivals & Tours
Outdoor events are always tricky as weather can be a real determining factor for success, preparing for a few scenarios can make the experience memorable in a positive way. Do you have a game plan for scheduling all the volunteers and workers each day and time interval?

Meetings & Conferences
Many people are overwhelmed at conferences as so many seminars and entertainment choices are offered. Simplicity is key to making your attendees happy and want to come back for more.

Swag & Gifting
Everyone loves free items but if they are too big or do not travel well, they may not make the trip home. We provide some practical items that will be utilized and keep your brand in front of your customers and supporters.

School & Family Events
These events should be fun for everyone, even those planning the event. Let’s discuss how to develop a key team that will engage with everyone and bring positive energy to the event.